Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tuscan Sundays - "even the grapes taste like purple"

Woke up dreaming about Sunday mornings in the Tuscan region.
Last year at Villa Casa al Ponte I awoke around 8:00 a.m. local time to the sounds of the church bells in the village at the bottom of the hill, Figiene Valdarno. A modest village that is mostly working class has some of the friendliest Italians I have ever met.  Always willing to help no matter how bad my Italian can be, they seem to only care that we are trying to assimilate to the Tuscan way of life.

Year before last we arrived in mid-November, a bit late but I needed yet another Italian fix and the villa beside of Sting was open. Anyway, yet I digress, the biggest news in Valdarno at that time was the opening of the new COOP, the equivalent to a new Tom Thumb or Kroger opening. 
Well needless to say my friend Kim and I had a ball just mixing with the locals and hearing the excitement in the air about the opening, it was truly a red carpet affair for this little village.

Oh yeah, back to Sundays in Tuscany. The same excitement for that grocery store opening is the same excitement the Italians take toward life, either going to mass or to the store for supplies, the excitement and gusto by which they live their lives has always amazed me. I learned this early on from my own Mother , God rest her soul. She always exhibited this kind of love of life.

That line from "Under the Tuscan Sun" still reminds me of the day to day life that is savoured in the cooking, the wine and the life.

Ok, back to reality, waking up here in Dallas to yet another beautiful day that will be filled with church, friends,brunch and swimming till my heart is content.

40 some days until we depart and there are still 2 places available, let's talk if you are up for a spur of the moment adventure in the heart of Tuscany.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday In Tuscany

What to do, what to do! Saturday in Tuscany is filled with lots of activities. All the village squares are packed with locals getting special items for the Sunday dinner after church: breads and pastries from the local bakeries, cloths from the local linen shops to be used only for "special occasions" and all the homemade pastas hanging to dry..
 I love seeing all the local villagers out and about on their errands.
The later it gets in the afternoon you sit in the cafes and watch the promenade start. Sipping some wonderful Montepulciano wine in the local square it only seems natural to watch everyone get ready to start the stroll at the appropriate time. I love this parade. :-)
Well time to get back to reality, I have guests arriving soon and need to start preparing dinner.
See you in Tuscany, Ciao

Friday, July 26, 2013

Italian Language Classes Have Started

What a beautiful start to the day here in Dallas. We have added even more guests to our May/June scheduled trips in 2014. It seems the advert in Preston Hollow is getting us a lot of attention.  The website experienced a surge in visits since last Friday when the ad appeared.

Wednesday started our series of learning Italian here in Dallas. Our professor from WyZant is wonderful. It has to be his name is Bill.......
Our first class consisted of basic culture and the differences in lifestyles between Tuscany and Rome, (we have a few first timers traveling with us). When the instructor found this out he made a very profound statement, he said "you can never relive your first time to Italy, but you can certainly recapture the feeling by watching the excitement in the eyes of the first time visitor), that Bill is so wise. :-)

We have scheduled the classes every Wednesday for two hours, prior to the class starting we are participating in preparing our dinner and snacks for the class. This time we prepared anti-pasta plates and enjoyed every single morsel. Next week promises to be more challenging, I think we will start with caprese salad and try our hands at lamb chops. YUM YUM!!!

OK, gotta run, more work to do here before we leave in 47 days!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Slow Travel in Tuscany

The complete itinerary is shaping up. I polled all the guests this trip and everyone agreed it would be better to take the train to Venice from Florence. It is only a 2 hour train ride as compared to the 4 hour motor coach excursion. It will be a growing experience for all the guests, allowing them to live like a local.  Plus it gives Riponi a day off!!!! He will certainly enjoy that! Plus it gives us an extra 4 hours in the city to do all those wonderful tourist thngs: gondola ride, check, Murano Island, check, run through the square making the pigeons fly, check!

The first time I was in Venice was with Fiamma, we were having dinner at this little restautant, (note to self, re-read diary to get the name) when we suddenly realized there was a group of 15 Texans behind us what a hoot, so much fun.

After they left, we struck up a conversation with this older couple who were speaking Italian, French, German and English, well that certainly made us curious. After introductions we discovered he was the publisher of a magazine called e'space bleu, a rag that was dedicated to the wine industry. She was Swiss and had lived in NYC for a large part of her life and was now livinig St. Jean Cap Ferrat.

Anyway, after sharing a few glasses of wine the gentlemen introduced us to the owner/chef of the restaurant, what an experience of a lifetime. More on this later.
The first full day in Tuscany is going to be a short hop to Arezzo and Cortona only about 30 minutes from our beautiful villa. Our friends at To Tuscany found this beautiful villa that accommodates 20+ people with 12 bedrooms and baths. For heavens sake it is a small hotel and filled with Tuscan charm. The pool area has several separate areas to lounge as well as a huge farm house table to enjoy lite meals overlooking the pool.
The more I think of it looking at my pool, I need to get that landscaper busy creating my own oasis here in Dallas.

The first Monday we are in Tuscany we travel about 2 hours to Pisa. There is not really much in Pisa besides the tower but our farm experience awaits us in the morning along with a cooking school in the late afternoon. Arianna updated the menu as follows:
Panzanella (typical bread salad with tomatoes and cucumbers)
-Tagliatelle with zucchini flowers and zucchini sauce
-Beef in red wine sauce and cheese 
-Traditional tiramisu
We are baking the bread for the salad as well as making the Tagliatelle but only after we make the Tiramisu first (it needs time to chill).  That kitchen is going to be a mess as this is hands on, unlike some tours that only allow you to see a demonstration before you have your meal. This will be a very interesting experience because everyone on the trip is a terrific cook.

Well, I cannot divulge everything so it's time to go for the day!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Wine - Montepulciano / Chianti Regions

Ciao from sunny Dallas,

Wine touring is one of my faves in Europe especially in the Montepulciano / Chianti Regions of Italy. Most people think of the straw covered Chianti jugs (and some of those are delightful). I have enjoyed several wineries in the region but a few standout among the rest.

Fiamma, one of our NYC friends going on the trip called to ask about our favorite winery in Montepulciano. 
Fiamma was the first to introduce me to Tuscany oh so many years ago. It was just a lark we had met at my home in Florida via a mutual friend (Adrianna, an amazing person I have been all over the world with). Back to Fiamma, we stumbled upon the Poliziana vineyard and not knowing much Italian we decided it was either a winery or a police station, heck we would win either way :-).  Our friend Lucia whose birthday we were celebrating rang the doorbell and luckily it was a winery!!! SCORE!

Three cases purchased and we were off to our private villa beside of Gordon Summer (aka Sting or Stinga if you have that beautiful Italian accent).
The following 10 days were spent enjoying the countryside of Tuscany and returning to the villa each night to sample the wonderful Poliziana wine.

This trip promises to be just as fruitful. We have 2 scheduled wine tastings and of course more always pop up in route.  Arianna and Friends are planning a wonderful surprise for our guests this season and I can't wait to see the smiles and excitement on their faces.

Well, must get a move on, the landscaper is coming to give me ideas on how to turn my backyard and pool area into a Tuscan oasis!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

50 Some Days and Look Out Rome!

I am so excited, I cannot believe there are only 50+ days until we leave for Italy!
I can almost smell the grapes as we harvest them on the farm, before we have our delicious lunch with the farm staff and owners. Look out Lucy and Ethel, the grapes will be ready for stomping.

The excitement is n the air from our guests, those who live in the Dallas area are starting to take Italian language classes to prepare for this adventure. Those who are not in Ital will be joining us via Live Meeting. Don't you just love technology? It gives the guests a chance to meet before the trip.

The company is becoming a member of the Dallas Italian Club as well as starting the marketing campaign to the various Italian restaurants you will find in D Magazine. The first company advert starts tomorrow in the Preston Hollow area of Dallas, maybe George and Laura will go next trip, but we would have to put up with all those Secret Service people. LOL
As Casey Kasem would say:  "Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars."

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Just Returned from the Northeast USA so Posts have been few and far between -busy-busy-busy

What a whirl wind trip.  Traveled to the Washington DC area to retrieve my artwork to line the walls of my office here in Dallas.  Great trip, picked up two more persons going to Tuscany this fall.  We are now almost full, just two more spots and this will be a full trip!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finalized the booking arrangements for next years four trips.  The power of the mobile office, what a great time to be alive an use the technology that has been developed over the years. In Asheville North Carolina, I was able to enjoy the Grove Park Inn and Spa views while having lunch and talking via Skype to Arianna and Friends to complete next years bookings for cooking classes as well as additional sources for olive oil tastings, farms for agriturismo activities and cooking classes.

Driving south to Florida, picking up more artwork, I was able to secure 6 new passengers for the September 26- October 6, 2014 excursion. All six are close friends who are excited I have started exploring the Italian countryside. I am so pleased and blessed they want to go!!!!!!!

Start thing 2014, with the EURO dropping this week, now is the time!
Next year we are traveling to Tuscany on the following dates:
May 23 - June 2, 2014
June 6 - 16, 2014
September 26 - October 6, 2014
October 10 - 20, 2014

Inquiries from the World

Amazing, the number of inquiries I have received from persons in Russia? 8 today alone........ Quite interesting,

Our group this September is varied, we have guests from all over the USA (Texas, Maryland, Arkansas, NYC and Italy) yes, an Italian will be joining us. He was born in Italy but his family is from Bangladesh. originally.

So back to our trip, the first wine tasting will be held at the Fattoria Pulcino,, I was here two years ago and really enjoyed the experience. I called Ripon (the chauffeur) back to tell him I agreed with his find as I had been there before. He was surprised as it is not well known among the American tourist. After a laugh I told him he should realize I am not a typical tourist...............

Check it out, as I said, it is not your typical wine tasting but is quite clever nonetheless.

Ok, dinner is calling, actually screaming, as I am starving!

Ciao for now