Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tuscany Calling

Today, Ripon our chauffeur at Ialungo texted me to tell me about a winery we are going to visit en route to the villa. Very nontraditional, while you are tasting the wine they are pairing food to enjoy with the tastings.
What a breath of fresh air, it lasts 2 hours and you sample 6 wines bottled right there at the estate. Additionally, they have a wonderful restaurant right on the premise where the wine is sampled at long wooden tables, giving you the option to talk to the locals or other visitors sampling the libations. More on this find later.
BTW the cinghale was wonderful with the papparedrelle.
They time is getting closer to departure, I have had several inquiries about the 4 remaining spaces so keep your fingers crossed.

Gotta run, heading to the pool to dream about being Under the Tuscan Sun.

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